Cathi's web and product review

Review of helpful and interesting web sites. Specific topics include cats, literature, mysticism and occult topics. Other topics will be considered

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

From your mind: a gift

We've all heard of the power of Positive thinking. Think positively, say many gurus, and your life will change. And they are right; thought influences matter and vice versa. So whether you choose the habit of positive or negative thinking, it becomes a cycle.

So how to break out of a negative thought cycle?


To this end, Marty Dow has created an inspiring, Positive thinking email service. You choose to get a positive thought three times or less per week. These emails begin with the thought itself, a related affirmation, and a meditation to reinforce the thought.

Best of all: you choose how much of the positive thinking experience you need, and how long you want to spend on it. The power of thought is and remains completely yours.

It's the most targeted and effective positive thinking service that I've come across so far. Each email provides links to other services and products, such as a free ebook, metaphysical bible study, grief support and others.

What are you waiting for? Subscribe!. Refer your friends; they'll be grateful you did.


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Be Well! It's a Science

Free stuff is rampant on the Internet. Only some of it has any type of quality and usefulness. Below is a product that I recommend both for its high quality and extreme practical usefulness. Just look at this:

Both thought and behavior affect physical health. This is the basis of the ebook, The Science of Being Well by Mr. Wallace Delois Wattles.

For most people, this is a fairly novel idea that became generally accepted only in the latter part of the 20th century. After all, this is the time during which scientists and other technological buffs got over themselves and their narrow views of life. Science and technology were finally recognized as parts and gears rather than the whole of the universe itself.

Wallace D. Wattles, on the other hand, lived and died during the first part of the 20th century. The Science of Being Well (SOBW) is part of a series that the author published during 1910. It may be an indication of the time that the work was largely forgotten until Dr. Alexandra Gayek recently got her hands on it.

Dr. Gayek is a practitioner of the naturopathic healing arts. As such, Wattles’ ideas relating to the role of thinking as it combines with practice specifically appealed to her. Dr. Gayek made several changes to the work, and has added extensive notes to clear up misunderstandings and inaccuracies resulting from the time during which the book was written.

As Wattles states, we do not know everything. Dr. Gayek uses her knowledge and the most recent of medical and natural scientific research to enhance the text for the reader’s optimal benefit. She offers this unique service in order to ensure that readers can use the guidelines outlined in the book with confidence and safety.

The most amazing thing is that Dr. Gayek is offering the book for free. When signing up for her wellness newsletter (also free), visitors receive not only the book, but also access to the Forum. Here readers discuss the book and its teachings. The forum, the excellent newsletter and the entertaining weekly tips are all designed to help the reader gain a true understanding of how to heal according to these simple, readical, and powerfully effective principles.

All the products offered from Dr. Gayek’s site are aimed towards the readers’ ability not only to heal themselves, but also to change their lives radically. The ongoing support offered by the above-mentioned free products is supplemented by items such as Dr. Gayek’s private consultations, an audio recording of the book on CDs, the InfiniteCoach ™ Audio Set, and many other products and services. These are designed to help the reader implement Mr. Wattles’ principles for complete wellness.

Although it may initially seem difficult to follow everything recommended by the book, healing is a creative process that requires full participation. Experimenting with each step in your own life and drawing your own conclusions is encouraged and advised. Using this method, thousands of readers have testified to the nearly immediate effect of even just beginning to try a selection of Wattles’ ideas.

The bottom line is: think, eat, breathe and sleep in a “Certain Way” and the result will be your perfect wellness. Read it and try it out for yourself. You’ll be glad you did.

Instructions for receiving the book and newsletter for free are here

Friday, May 05, 2006

All it takes is 15...

Tim Thompson, multimedia and Internet specialist, has combined his diverse talents to bring the world 15 minutes of all gain with no pain. With Tim’s invention, the Brain Wave Stimulating Digital Subliminal Perception Program (DSPP), the user can reach any personal goal with a commitment of as little as 15 painless minutes per day.

The software is, as the name indicates, a digital program that directly targets the user’s unconscious mind and alters brainwaves. Each DSPP features a large set of affirmations targeted towards a particular personal goal. These are “flashed” on the computer screen faster than the conscious mind can process, while an emotionally neutral changing color animation stimulates positive brainwaves. The subconscious mind then internalizes the affirmations, which it manifests in the user’s daily life. All the user has to do is relax in a quiet room and look at the computer screen.

In addition to a free “Happy Dreams” demo version (a full featured version is available for purchase), Tim offers the following DSPPs for purchase: “Healthy Weight”, “Smoke Free”, “Power Writing”, “Inspired Marketer” and “Lucky Winner”. It is up to the user to decide which goals are most relevant, and to download the appropriate software. Tim offers a “custom-made” option, meant for users with goals other than those already featured in the ready-made versions of the program. He will produce a special DSPP program based on the customer's specific needs and request.

All the DSPP program affirmations were developed with the guidance and advice of Boston area hypnotherapist, John Murray. Thompson, who has tested several of his DSPPs on himself, says of the “Healthy Weight” version that it works on a completely subliminal level. It is not necessary to consciously think about or try to change habits. Tim professes that he has changed his eating habits without even thinking about them when using the DSPP. It happens naturally and easily, almost like magic.

A new feature of Tim's DSPPs is the "Activator Phrase". This is an integrated target phrase in the program that helps the user to activate the affirmations. This works by saying, writing, or even just thinking the identified target phrase. The effect is an immediate total recall of the feelings and thoughts encouraged by the DSPP. The use of the Activator Phrase is explained in detail in each DSPP program.

Being focused on enjoyment and peace, the DSPPs are very relevant for the world today. Not only do they follow the most current brain wave theory; they also provide the user with a pain-free way towards self-improvement by using a positive philosophy, the compelling attraction of computer technology as well as a positive spiritual approach-- celebrating and empowering the human spirit in a "can do" attitude. In this way Tim Thompson has become a pioneer in combining spirituality with technology for self-help issues. He touches on key aspects in our future evolution: tough love is no longer necessary – we are allowed to be nice to ourselves. This after all makes it so much easier to also be nice to others.

Tim's DSPPs are produced by ClydeSight Productions and are available here

Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Divination with a difference: The Dream Angel Oracle (Review)

New friends are a blessing, and the meeting of true friends is always greater than the sum of its parts. This is my first impression of the Dream Angel Oracle, created by Tim Thompson and Felista Gallagher. The Angels have become my close friends over the span of just a week. And the beauty of it is I don’t even have to be very specific when I talk to them. They always offer help, support and encouragement, no matter what my situation.

Let me explain. The Dream Angel Oracle (or DAO for short) is a divination program with a difference. It is a collection of “Angels”, each with a particular message of inspiration and advice. Like online Tarot or other divination programs, you just type in your question or message, click on the appropriate button, and one, three, or five beautiful Angels appear to respond to your request.

Just like old friends, the more you meet with the Angels, the more familiar – and real – they become. If you’re familiar with the Tarot, you will know what I’m talking about. And you will love the DAO.

But even if you’ve never used a divination program before, I would recommend that you try this one. You’ll never have better virtual friends.

Initially it seemed that the Angels responded best to questions of a spiritual nature, those dealing with relationships or feelings, and advice for my life and its goals. As I continued working with them however, I discovered that the Angels have become more and more in tune with what I need even beyond these categories. I once consulted them about a technological problem I found particularly frustrating. They told me exactly what I needed to hear.

The trick is interpretation. You need to work with the Angels so that you get to know each other increasingly well – just like new friends becoming best friends. Obviously they won’t tell you to unscrew your laptop and fix a particular circuit, or how to get rid of that strange noise just behind the left front wheel of your car. What they will do is give you advice on how to handle the problem. “Relax”, they may tell you. They may recommend that you take a break or think thoughts of support and help. At the very least they will make you feel better about your situation. When you feel better you think better. Thinking leads to solutions. You get the idea.

As I said, the DAO works like other divination software systems – only better. The first and most obvious reason is that the messages are freshly created for the modern soul by the modern mind. It is easier to interpret them according to the values and concerns of our lives today. The second reason is a little weirder, but no less true. The Angels mould themselves to the character and personality of their user. Each message has a special significance for a special situation. These messages combine to become utterly personalized for each individual user.

Best of all, the program’s newly reduced price and eco-friendly attitude makes it almost immediately accessible to the entire globe. If you help the Angels keep the planet green by getting a copy of your own, you won’t be sorry. Quite the opposite. You’ll be happily surprised.

Go here to pick up your copy today!

Clyde Sight Productions also offer other, very useful online stuff, including the DSPP concept. This will be the topic of a later post.


Friday, March 24, 2006


Try this: type in any Google search term. Let's say ... cats, for example. The results number 169 million, searched out in 0.13 seconds. Who has the time?

To help with this problem, this blog will focus on searching out the best of the best and review it here. Specific topics are cats, literature, the occult and mysticism, although I might post whatever strikes my fancy.

If you're interested in letting me review your web site or online product, this is absolutely for free. All I ask in return is a reciprocal link somewhere on your site. You can email me with your request. I'll review your site, show you a copy of the review, discuss modifications, and post here only once we are both happy.

I hope to contribute something at least once per week. So until next week, happy surfing!
